How We Do Business in ELETTRA by Emanuel karantzoulis Sincrotrone Trieste, S.S. 14 Km 163,5 in Area Science Park 34012 Trieste - Italy The Italian third-generation synchrotron-radiation source ELETTRA came into operation in October 1993 and is optimised for photon energies in the ultraviolet to soft X-rays. During the commissioning year 1994, the amount of beam time dedicated to User experiments was increased from 25% to 75%. Since the start of 1995 the facility has routinely provided synchrotron radiation for experiments. ELETTRA functions 24 hours per day, 7 days a week for long periods of 6-8 weeks, following by shutdown periods of 1-3 weeks. The laboratory has a staff of 180, of which 45% -mainly physicists engineers and technicians- belong to the accelerator sector. An additional number of more than 100 users are always present in the laboratory presently amounting to a total of 400 per year. The accelerator sector is divided in five areas: controls and electronics, radio-frequency and linac, magnets and power supplies, vacuum and mechanics, Operations and accelerator physics. The area operations and accelerator physics is responsible for the operations' management and machine physics theory and experiments. For the moment the storage ring is not operated by a crew of operators but rather by 24 technicians who belong to various areas of the accelerator sector under the direct management of the operations' area head. More details will be shown in the poster. -------------------------------------- Dr. Emanuel karantzoulis Operations and Accelerator Physics Area Head Accelerator Division Sincrotrone Trieste S.S.14 Km 163 in Area Science Park I-34012 Trieste - Italy URL: http// E-mail : Phone : + 39 - 40 - 3758580 Fax : + 39 - 40 - 3758565