From: Gordon A. Roy, TRIUMF Operations ABSTRACT The TRIUMF Control room is a work in progress, as are all such facilities, which must stay up-to-date with the lab's ever changing requirements and the availability of newer more powerful computers. As such, TRIUMF has evolved from a "switches, meters and chart recorders" environment to VAX/Alpha driven displays. Where originally the only CRT's in use were those used to view black and white video signals from cameras, now workstations present complex information on a simple, highly intelligible and fast-recognition display. At TRIUMF the Shift Supervisor is responsible for all aspects of the entire site, and the Control Room is "24 hr/365 day" manned facility. Thus the Operators "living room" must be as pleasant and liveable, yet efficient as possible. Comfortable chairs, pleasant colours, stereo and television systems are as much a part of the total Control environment as the consoles, fire alarm panels, security and surveillance equipment.