APS Presenter and Contact: Steve Labuda (sfl@aps.anl.gov) How we do Maintenance at the Advanced Photon Source Steve Labuda Operations Group Accelerator Systems Division Advanced Photon Source Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne, IL 60439 Abstract The Advanced Photon Source is a third generation X-ray source made up of four accelerators: a linac, an accumulation ring (PAR), a booster synchrotron and the Storage Ring. The operations group plays an active role in organizing and implementing accelerator maintenance plans. We will discuss: o Planning the maintenance to be done during scheduled multi-week maintenance periods o The oversight of maintenance activities during the course of a run o The logistics of fixing components that are preventing operation. We will discuss some of the tools that are used in organizing these activities, namely, the intranet based Work Request program, and the Fault Reporting Program. The operations group also gathers and reports on all operational statistics which are then used to direct maintenance activities.