WAO'98 Poster Abstract Maintenance at the AGS Peter F. Ingrassia Alternating Gradient Synchrotron Department Building 911A P.O. Box 5000 Upton, NY 11973-5000 The way maintenance is performed at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) has evolved during the history of the accelerator complex. Not until the late 1980's did we adopt the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" model of doing maintenance. Before the late 1980's maintenance was regularly scheduled. The present corrective maintenance policy allows for maintenance periods that may last for hours or days. Maintenance periods lasting more than a few hours are organized, in the Accelerator Division (AD), by the Maintenance Coordinator who reports to the Head of Operations, and in the Experimental Planning and Support (EP&S) Division, by the Group leader of the Technical Support Group who reports to the Head of the Experimental Area Group. Failures are tracked using input from Main Control Room (MCR) Operators who use an in- house generated application to add information to a database. Failure statistics, as well as accelerator performance, are reported quarterly by the Head of the Main Control Room Group. Failures of duration greater than one hour get special attention in that MCR Operators generate a Trouble Report that is tracked by division level managers that include the Chief Electrical and Mechanical engineers. Work planning is employed by both divisions (AD and EP&S) to ensure Environmental Safety and Health issues are considered for each task. The poster "Maintenance at the AGS" will examine these and other issues in greater detail.