Dear WAO participant, You have registered for the 1998 Accelerator Operations Workshop, which will take place this May in Vancouver. As Chairman of the Workshop Session on Staff Training and Development, I would like to ask you if you consider presenting a poster at the Workshop on Operator Training at your Facility. The Program Committee would like to get as many of the participating labs as possible to submit poster presentations. We believe these poster presentations will greatly enhance the quantity and quality of the information exchange that will occur during the workshop. The idea of these posters is to look at how each lab addresses Training issues. The following list of questions may help stimulate ideas for your poster: -What type of staff do you recruit for the Control Room as Accelerator Operators (technicians, engineers, university graduates)? -Do you have any preferred backgrounds for your Operators? -Do you recruit internally or externally? Why? -How much time do operators spend operating? What do they do outside of this time? -How many levels of operator do you have? -How much time and money do you invest in training, initially and after "qualification"? -Training programs: Is your program self-paced? Do you assign a mentor to the new operator? If so what are the mentor’s responsibilities? What is the importance of on the job training? Do you have internal training courses? If so who presents them? Do you use external courses? If so do you find them useful? -How do you monitor training progress? How do you qualify operators and how long does it take? What kind of training records do you keep? -Do you consider your method of training efficient? What aspects are efficient and which need improving? -Do you think your program would work at other sites? To help make it easy for attendees to compare how each lab handles these functions, we suggest that each of the posters follows a similar format. This format is not meant to restrict how the information is presented, but should enable people to quickly find the key information that they are interested in. A sample layout can be found on the WAO’98 WWW page:- If you are interested is presenting a poster for the Training session or any other session please contact me or any other member of the Program Committee. Looking forward to seeing you in May , Simon Baird